News Release

Notification of non-consolidated financial reports in FY2018

The non-consolidated financial reports in FY 2018 period (the 69th) are as follows.

Profit and loss statement(In million yen)
  Fiscal year ended March 31, 2019
Revenues 43,902
Cost and expenses 39,780
Gross profit 4,122
General and administrative expenses 2,269
Operating profit 1,852
Ordinary profit 1,634
Profit before income taxes 1,634
Income taxes-current 1,060
Income taxes-deferred △255
Net profit 829
Balance sheet (Year ended March 31,2019)(In million yen)
Assets Liabilities and net assets
Current assets 11,757 Current liabilities 10,403
Fixed assets 17,315 Non-current liabilities 7,959
    Total liabilities 18,363
Shareholders’ equity 10,290
Capital stock 600
Capital surplus 56
Legal capital surplus 56
Retained earnings 10,846
Legal retained earnings 100
Other retained earnings 10,746
Treasury stock △1,212
Valuation and translation adjustments 418
Total net assets 10,709
Total assets 29,072 Total liabilities and net assets 29,072