For a Beautiful Ocean For a Beautiful Ocean

Environmental Compliance

We comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and other applicable rules and actively work to prevent the release of harmful substances to the environment. Keeping in step with international rulings and measures by national and municipal governments, Asahi Tanker addresses environmental issues in partnership with numerous organizations. We work in partnership to solve environmental problems by aligning ourselves with international agreements, government and local government policies.

Sustainable Shipping:
A Frontrunner in Electric Tankers

The world’s first zero-emission all-electric tanker “Asahi” was completed in March 2022, followed by completion of its sister vessel, the all-electric tanker “Akari” in March 2023. Currently, these two electric tankers are operating as bunker vessels in Tokyo Bay. In June 2023, the hybrid electric bulker “Asuka” was completed transporting primarily wood pellets to power plants in the Kansai area.

Asahi Asahi
Akari Akari
Asuka Asuka

These vessels have been equipped with various automated equipment and digital tools and smart technology to reduce the workload of crew members and improve operational efficiency.
Asahi Tanker strives to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and improve the work environment onboard, through the operation of electric vessels, and we will continue our efforts to develop new ships with our accumulated expertise.

Initiatives Toward a decarbonized future

As an initiative for the development and popularization of zero-emission electric vessels
In August 2019, Asahi Tanker established a platform to not only develop and popularize electric vessels but also to provide maritime infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies. This achievement was realized in collaboration with Exeno technologies in collaboration with Exeno Yamamizu Corporation, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd., and Mitsubishi Corporation. Mtisubishi Corporation by joining the joining the technologies, knowledge, and networks of the four companies, leading to the establishment of e5 Lab Inc. New value from electric vessels will be created through these initiatives.

Environmentally-friendly vessels


Our vessels are equipped with various environmentally friendly devices.
For example, the use of antifouling paint for ship bottoms that can reduce fuel consumption by approximately 5% through the reduction of resistance on the ship hull, the use of special fins that can save approximately 5% more energy than regular ships by improving propulsion efficiency, and the installation of a device that collects microplastics contained in seawater used for engine cooling.

Umimachi Inc. for Blue Carbon and the Revitalization of the Seto Inland Sea

The Seto Inland Sea is an important region for Japan’s energy transportation sector.
Despite being the largest archipelago in Japan, it is suffering from issues such as decline in fish catches, aging and shrinking population.

In addition, the rise in sea water temperature is causing other issues leading to the collapse of ecosystems.

Therefore, we established "Umimachi Inc.,” in November 2022 to put into practice fundamental solutions to these issues.
Seaweed absorbs the CO2 dissolved in the sea, and the carbon captured by the marine ecosystem is called "blue carbon."
Umimachi Inc.,is creating blue carbon by protecting and regenerating seaweed beds in the Seto Inland Sea.
In 2023, we obtained 0.3t worth of certified CO2 blue carbon credit for our activities in Hofu City, Yamaguchi Pref.
We also hold lectures, parent-child workshops, and field tours to spread awareness through the activities of Umimachi Inc.
In the future, we plan to create more blue carbon by creating seaweed beds throughout the Seto Inland Sea, as well as utilize Asahi Tanker’s knowledge of electric vessels to realize zero-carbon maritime transportation, and for the island's energy independence through the use of renewable energy to create a beautiful Seto Inland Sea.

【 Business Details 】

  • Consulting on blue carbon and seaweed bed restoration initiatives
  • Research and development on carbon reduction in the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors

Environmental Activity at our Offices

Since 2018, we have actively promoted digitization, adopting the use of shared online platforms and tablets to streamline and reduce paper consumption. Our employees are encouraged to be aware of energy saving primarily through the introduction of a casual clothing initiative (Casual Biz), periodically promoting energy saving, and making label-free PET bottles available at the Company.

Purchase of Clean Energy

The buildings where Asahi Tanker’s Tokyo Head Office and Osaka Branch Office are located utilize power certified with the Non-fossil Certificate (with tracking information*) qualified by RE100. The meaning of the certificate is that the power used by these offices does not generate CO2.

* Power using a Non-fossil Certificate where tracking information on the location of power generation is added

Use of FSC-certified Paper

In Asahi Tanker, FSC-certified paper sourced from well-managed forests is used for photocopying in offices while the company newsletter is printed with soy-based ink and FSC-certified paper. Through these initiatives, we reduce the environmental load and proactively promote the sustainable use of forest resources.

Green Management Certification

As part of our sustainable environmental activities, we obtained the Green Management Certification issued by the Foundation for Personal Mobility and Ecological Transportation. The certification recognized Asahi Tanker as an environmentally friendly company for continuously and systematically conducting environmental conservation activities and objectively proving our environmental improvement efforts, such as zero oil spills in the sea and the reduction of power consumption in our headquarters. As a social responsibility of our company, we will continue to actively address environmental issues with the aim of carrying out environmentally friendly management.