Strong and Resilient Organization Strong and Resilient Organization

Corporate Governance

Asahi Tanker believes that efficient, sound, transparent management and enhanced compliance lead to a betterment of corporate value in the long term, and consequently, we can return profits to our shareholders and stakeholders. This is the foundation for our corporate governance. We believe that an organizational structure that enables agile and flexible response to changes in the business environment is important. Asahi Tanker carries out efficient management in keeping with the perspective of our shareholders.


Asahi Tanker has carefully considered policies for compliance, code of conduct, promotion system, and response to violations thereof. This was resolved by the Board of Directors as the Compliance Regulations. A Compliance Committee was established under the Management Committee for the purpose of planning, creating, facilitating, and promoting company-wide compliance related initiatives as well as investigation, deliberation, and reporting of compliance violations.

Whistleblowing System

Asahi Tanker established the Whistleblowing Regulations for the early detection of violations of laws and regulations, human rights infringements, and acts against social norms so that the Company can prevent misconduct and practice sound management, carrying out necessary improvements. The system allows us to resolve problems quickly, reduce risks, and conduct honest and fair business activities. Our employees are also able to use the whistleblowing system when they are unsure about whether specific actions are ethically or legally correct or when they have questions about the honesty of the organization.

Whistleblowing System Whistleblowing System

Prevention of Misconduct and Corruption

1Response to Antisocial Forces

Asahi Tanker does not and will not have any relationships with anti-social forces or individuals that threaten social order and sound business practices by the company. Asahi Tanker does not and will not provide any benefits to such organizations or individuals. One of the countermeasures taken by Asahi Tanker against anti-social forces is the inclusion of an article to eliminate anti-social forces in our contracts. Our Compliance Regulations also set forth that the Company will firmly respond to anti-social forces and organizations which threaten the order and safety of civil society and will not be complicit in antisocial acts.

2Governance Education (Training for misconduct prevention, etc.)

Asahi Tanker provides a wide variety of training to employees including corporate ethics, compliance, information security so employees can deepen their understanding of applicable laws and regulations and misconduct and corruption can be prevented.

Natural Disasters, Accidents, Incidents, and Infectious Diseases

1Setting a Business Continuity Plan

Asahi Tanker has formulated a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that sets out policies, systems, and procedures for continuous business operation and quick recovery in case of emergency such as natural disasters, security incidents, and epidemics. Advance formulation of BCP prevents confusion during emergencies and limits damage and loss.

Designated Public Institutions

According to the Act on Special Measures against Novel Influenza, etc., appropriate measures must be taken by designated public institutions in preparation for novel influenza, etc. epidemics. Since Asahi Tanker falls under designated public institutions, the Company created a business plan in preparation for novel Influenza and other infectious diseases.

Summary of Asahi Tanker Business Plan in Preparation for Novel Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases Summary of Asahi Tanker Business Plan in Preparation for Novel Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases
2Information Security

Recently, cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated, and in some cases, entire supply chains are affected. To prevent information security risks, Asahi Tanker works on the enhancement of countermeasures and establishment of regulations and strives to improve the security awareness of each and every employee.

3Securing Emergency Food

Asahi Tanker stores three days worth of emergency food for all employees and officers. We donate emergency food and water that are close to their best-before dates to the Foodbank when the supplies need to be replaced.

4Safety Check System

At Asahi Tanker, the Safety Check System automatically sends out messages to all employees and officers in the region when an earthquake exceeding 5 on the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Seismic Intensity Scale occurs. Even in case of smaller earthquakes less than 5 on the scale or other disasters, the messages are manually sent based on necessity. We also hold a safety check drill every year under the scenario that a disaster has occurred to ensure proper system operation and to increase the employees’ and officers’ awareness of natural disasters.

5Issuance of Emergency Cards

Employees and officers of Asahi Tanker are issued an Emergency Card so they can act calmly in times of emergency. The emergency card contains useful information in emergencies such as the evacuation method and steps to call the disaster emergency message dial.

6Emergency Response

Article 1 of our management philosophy states a stable supply of energy and materials. The role is in greater demand in emergencies, we will optimally and quickly achieve a stable supply of fuel in emergency situations based on our accumulated knowledge and the enthusiasm of each employee in cooperation with our customers.

Emergency marine transportation during
the Great East Japan Earthquake

On March 20, 2011, for the first time after the Great East Japan Earthquake, our vessels “Tsuruhiro Maru” and “Sanpo Maru No. 5” performed emergency marine transportation of fuel oil to Sendai-Shiogama Port immediately after the disaster. The prompt supply of fuel oil to the affected areas greatly alleviated serious fuel oil shortage.

Fuel supply at terminal damaged by typhoon Hagibis 2019

On November 4, 2019, our ship “Yusei Maru” supplied fuel to Fushiki, Japan. “Yusei Maru” was first to supplying fuel after the typhoon. This area’s fuel supply was solely reliant on marine transportation, however, since the port was damaged due to the typhoon, fuel supply was not possible. Through hard work and cooperation with outside organizations, we successively and safely delivered the necessary fuel.

Relief for Disaster Affected Areas

We are actively involved in disaster relief efforts, and make donations in the hope of immediate and steady recovery from disasters.