Guiding Principles for a Bright Future for our Oceans Guiding Principles for a Bright Future for our Oceans

Sustainability Policy

Asahi Tanker is dedicated to resolve global environmental and societal issues, as well as support the everyday lives of people through its operations. In addition, we will comply with the laws, regulations, and rules of each country and region of operation and will commit to fair and transparent management.

Environmental Policy

Asahi Tanker prioritizes operational safety of our vessels and people, as well as maintaining and preserving the environment in all aspects of our operations.

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    We will decrease our CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions by reducing our environmental load, saving resources, conserving energy, improving energy efficiency, increasing our recycling rate.

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    We will practice maximum marine pollution control to prevent environmental pollution.

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    We will reduce waste generated through the course of our operations.

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    We will regularly review our performance against our environmental policies and make necessary improvements to achieve our conservation goals for the marine and global environment.

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    This environmental policy applies to all our officers and employees, and we will ensure continuous improvement.

Human Rights Policy

Asahi Tanker operates with the utmost respect for human rights in all countries and regions around the world. This policy applies to all officers and employees of Asahi Tanker. In addition, we uphold our expectation for our business partners to understand and respect human rights and uphold our policies.

1.  Respect for human rights through our operations
Asahi Tanker will never violate human rights in its business activities and will work to prevent any violation of human rights present through our business relationships and supply chain.
2.  Respect for international norms related to human rights
Asahi Tanker will comply with laws and regulations of each country and region where the company engages in business activities. When there is a contradiction between internationally recognized human rights and the regional laws or regulations, we will seek to respect the internationally recognized principles of human rights while complying with applicable laws and regulations.
3.  Governance and Management System
The Board of Directors of Asahi Tanker will oversee compliance with this policy and its respective efforts.
4.  Business and Human Rights
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    Forced labor: Asahi Tanker does not permit forced labor. In addition, Asahi Tanker will not recognize modern slavery in any form including bonded labor and human trafficking.

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    Child labor: Asahi Tanker does not permit child labor and will comply with the legal minimum age for employment.

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    Discrimination: Asahi Tanker does not discriminate or damage personal dignity based on race, creed, religion, nationality, age, gender, ethnicity, ideology, social status, sexual orientation, gender identification, mental or physical disabilities, employment format, or other characteristics protected by laws or regulations in each country or region. In addition, the Company will work to create an environment where individuals respect the personalities and diversity of others and where individual talent is fully utilized.

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    Harassment and inhuman treatment: Asahi Tanker does not allow any form of harassment including sexual harassment and power harassment regardless of whether it is physical or mental. Moreover, the Company will not allow any acts that may damage the work environment through discriminatory speech or acts or harassment at the workplace.

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    Freedom of association and collective bargaining rights: Asahi Tanker will respect employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights in labor-management relations. Where freedom of association and collective bargaining rights are restricted by local laws and regulations that do not meet international human rights standards, Asahi Tanker will pursue a way to respect these rights by establishing an alternative means of dialog with employees.

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    Working hours and wages: Asahi Tanker will appropriately manage working hours, days-off, holidays, and wages in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

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    Labor health and safety: Asahi Tanker will establish a workplace environment where each and every employee can continue to work in a healthy, safe, and secure manner in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

5.  Remediation and Relief
If it is discovered that the business activities of Asahi Tanker have caused a negative impact on human rights or exacerbated the violation of human rights through our supply chain or other business relationships, Asahi Tanker will work to correct and remedy the situation through appropriate procedures.
6.  Complaint Handling Mechanism
Asahi Tanker will establish a system of effective reporting and complaint processing to understand and respond to human rights issues related to all officers, employees, and Asahi Tanker’s business activities in a timely manner.
7.  Education and Training
Asahi Tanker will provide necessary education and skill development to ensure that all officers and employees understand this policy and act based on this policy at work.