Identifying and Addressing Social Issues Identifying and Addressing Social Issues

The environment surrounding our company presents a wide variety of social and environmental issues, such as climate change, labor load issues, and human rights issues. In order for us to continue our economic activities into the future, we need to recognize and evaluate the impact of these various issues on our corporate activities and clarify the issues to be addressed.
We identified the most important sustainability topics for Asahi Tanker by taking into account the level of expectation from society and the level of importance in our company.

マテリアリティ特定のプロセス マテリアリティ特定のプロセス

existing social issues


Mapping out


Identifying our

STEP01 Understanding existing social issues

Compiling social issues based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and identifying social issues related to the Company.

STEP02 Mapping out SDG topics

Mapping out the importance levels of the social issues related to our company. We start identifying our SDG priorities based on this map.

Mapping out SDG topics Mapping out SDG topics
Key SDGs for the Company
Key SDGs for the Company
Good health and well-being
Mental wellbeing, non-smoking, safety activities
Quality education
Education opportunities for crew members and employees
Gender equality
Employment of female crew members, presence of women in management positions
Affordable and clean energy
Provision of Stable energy supply
Decent work and economic growth
Encouraging employees to take childcare leave, workstyle reform
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
Electric vessel business, new businesses, digital transformation (DX)
Reduced inequalities
Employment activity, performance evaluations
Sustainable cities and communities
Revitalization of depopulated islands
Responsible consumption and production
Reporting sustainability information, effective resource use
Climate action
CO2 emission reduction
Life below water
Appropriate processing of waste, oil spill prevention measures, seaweed bed restoration
Life on land
Protection of land by seaweed beds and CO2 emission reduction

STEP03 Identifying our ESG priorities

Identifying our ESG priorities Identifying our ESG priorities

By allocating resources to these priorities, we aim to avoid risks and seize opportunities for innovation to deliver value to our stakeholders and achieve ongoing and long term growth.